dislike button, Facebook, facemod, Firefox

Facebook Dislike Button Scam

August 17, 2010

Facebook users beware! A scam making the rounds on Facebook says that one of your friends has downloaded the new Facebook Dislike Button and gives you a link to download it. However, the link will only download the scammer’s personal Facebook application which will give them access to your complete profile and allow them to spam all of your friends by sending messages from your account.
For the record there is no official Dislike button option from Facebook. So don’t fall for it :-). But, if you really want that function and you use the Firefox web browser, you can install a 3rd party addon from FaceMod which will give you the Dislike button functionality, although I have not personally tested it.
Here is a link to FaceMod’s website where you can get the details.



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