
WordPress Vulnerability

January 2, 2007

I was reading Reaper-X’s blog yesterday when I came across the post about the latest WordPress vulnerability. Naturally, since we use WordPress, my ears perked up.

As it stands, here is a description of the problem from the SecurityFocus web site:

Attacker-supplied HTML and script code would execute in the context of the affected site, potentially allowing the attacker to steal cookie-based authentication credentials or to control how the site is rendered to the user; other attacks are also possible.

Shout out to Reaper-X for bringing this to our attention. We fixed our blog code last night after reading the post :). Today, I noticed that Secunia has also posted on it.

If you use WordPress, here is a link to the official fix that will show you what to change in the code of your templates.php file.

    EDIT: Madhur pointed out that WordPress has not verified this vulnerability. So, keep that in mind when considering the fix (Thanks, Madhur ;)).



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