Blogging, SEO/SEM

Yahoo Makes Search Box for Blogs

February 8, 2007

Yahoo! released its Search Builder toward the end of last year and it was a nice option if you wanted to use something other than Google’s search box on your site.

However, it did not really fit with our blog because the box was too wide to fit in the sidebars. Yahoo had set it up so that your “custom” search box could be any size, as long as it was between 300px and 600px (yuk!). So, since I did not want some monstrous, obnoxious search box going all the way across the page, we stuck with the standard PHP search box that fit nicely in the sidebar.

Well, evidently we weren’t the only ones shying away from Yahoo’s new search box. They received enough feedback that they have now released a new size option of 200px wide. Much better. Although, I am not switching yet, you might want to give it a try. Note: you will need a Yahoo! sign-in in order to use it.



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