Lenovo, previously IBM, released Thursday that they are forced to recall over 100,000 laptop batteries currently being packaged with the recent Thinkpad line of laptops being released by Lenovo. The recall comes about because of four reports of batteries overheating, which can cause a potential fire hazard.
There has yet to be any news of trucks being burned to ashes or airplane scares, however, there was one case of a user of the Lenovo Thinkpad experiencing minor eye irritation (lawsuit ensues I am sure). This comes at a rough time for computer producer Lenovo, it is their second battery recall within the past 6 months.
In September, Lenovo recalled around 10 Million batteries packaged with their laptops due to the battery overheating in the Los Angeles Airport that caused a scare. The batteries were produced by Sony during that time, so Lenovo veered away from Sony to avoid any more “fire” being brought upon their name. Lenovo decided to go with Sanyo instead, however, it has all happened again.
Lenovo is instructing that all users of the Thinkpad line of laptops are to immediately halt the use of their laptop, so if you are in fact reading this through a Thinkpad, you should probably cut off your laptop right here, but if you are not, stick with us! The problem is due to the battery overheating, when the battery overheats it becomes unstable and if shaken or dropped it can actually start a fire.
With this being the second batch of recalls Lenovo has had to make within the past 6 months Lenovo reputation is starting to resemble their batteries “burning to ashes” path. They should fix the problem before their reputation and standing in the computer manufacturing ranks goes up in flames.
by Nicholas