
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

December 30, 2006

Blog TagA funny thing happened to me the other day, I got tagged twice. Not like when you get hit in football and everyone says, “Wooo. He got tagged!” (also know as a “slobber-knocker”). Also not like what Mike Tyson used to do to his opponents (I am talking about the mid-80s Mike Tyson, not the ear biting Mike Tyson).

No, I am talking about getting tagged by another blogger. See, here is how this works:

    Blogger “A”, with nothing more constructive to do, decides it would be a good idea to start a Blog Tag, possibly this idea comes to Blogger “A” after a bit of drinking. He/she then selects 5 other bloggers to “tag”. Each of these 5 has to write a post on their blog telling their readers 5 things about themselves that their readers previously did not know. At the conclusion of this post, the tagged blogger has to “tag” 5 other bloggers and so forth. It is a vicious cycle and I am not sure what happens if a blogger breaks the “tag” chain and I dare not try it. (yikes!)

Seriously, a blog tag is a great way to get to know other bloggers. We read each others blogs everyday but usually don’t know much about them as individuals. So, in the end, it is a pretty cool idea :). Here are the details:

Tim at Listikal tagged me first. Then a short time later Nicholas from 6doi tagged me (for all of you wrestling fans out there, this is called a “tag-team” :P)

Now, for the juicy tidbits about me that you did not know (and maybe did not want to know either ;)). Since it is my list, I have decided to include a little twist at the end:

1 – I was the 6th grade spelling bee champion at my elementary school. I can still remember the word that I spelled to win the contest and $10,000 – Scholastic 🙂 (just kidding about the $10,000 – I won a certificate and a trophy that both said, oddly enough, “Spelling Bee Champion”).

2 – I can cook and bake (very well, I am told). I have made just about everything from Italian Stuffed Zuchinni and Eggplant Parmesan to Chocolate Mousse and Bananas Foster. Also, I bake a mean Focaccia.

3 – I was awarded a patent on a product I designed while working as a design engineer with a playground company. If you have visited a McDonald’s restaurant equipped with a playground, you have probably seen my design.

4 – I once pulled a man from a burning car. His car had been rear-ended by a dump truck on the highway. About a minute after he was out, his car was completely engulfed.

5 – I used to be able to Squat 450lbs and benchpress 305. At the time I weighed 170 lbs. I have always been relatively strong for my size and this was when I was really trying to develop that strength. If you are wondering, no, I did not use any drugs. Just creatine and lots of protein.

6 – One summer, I rode a bicycle most of the way across the state of North Carolina. I should have started out in the mountains and been able to coast more as I headed toward the ocean, but, as I am a doofus, I started the other way. It was quite hot except for the torrential downpours of those wacky summer thunderstorms.

Here’s my own little twist: One of these things is not true. Can you guess which one?

In turn, I would like to tag these bloggers:

Looking forward to learning more about everyone!



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