Microsoft started an initiative back in May called Live Search Cashback which provides rebates to users of its search engine who search for and purchase products through Microsoft Live.
It was a novel approach to attempt to increase search engine market share. Currently, Google has a commanding lead at about 63%. Yahoo! is second with just under 20% and Microsoft is third at just over 8 percent.
The latest “pay to search” program from Microsoft is called SearchPerks and it works pretty simply:
The first time you signup, you are credited with 500 tickets and the first prize point is 5 music downloads for 525 tickets. You can even get things like airline miles.
It could be worth a check because it is sort of like Microsoft giving you $5 to use Live Search. If you download music, typically each song costs about $1 (5 songs = 5 bucks). So, signup for SearchPerks, use Microsoft Live Search for a few days and redeem your 525 tickets for 5 music downloads 🙂 .