Mmmmmm… we love free software. Actually, we love anything free, but in this post we will be talking about software. I have used Adobe Acrobat Reader, like a good boy, for years now. However, I have never been happy with the amount of ram it hogs up. Even with no PDF document open (just Acrobat Reader 7.0), I was losing 28Mb of ram. Crazy!
So, today, I ran across an alternative: Brava. Maybe some of you are familiar with this proggy but I had never heard of it until today. Naturally, I downloaded it, clicked “I Accept” on the TOS screen (didn’t read it though…sigh), and had it up and running in minutes.
I then opened the program. This would be the test. “How much of my precious ram are you going to gobble up”, I muttered. Just over 8Mb! Score! I was astounded. That is perfect. Bravo Brava I’m sold. Now, to figure out if I lost any functionality. But really, how much functionality do I need to read a PDF? Not much…