
Apple Making Greener Mouse

December 30, 2006

Apple’s computers soon may be driven by a new mouse. They have been granted a patent for a low-power wireless computer mouse. The company has taken some flak lately due to accusations of environmentally unfriendly products and some (cough) odd accounting practices. So maybe this will bring a small ray of sunshine into the world of Apple.

The premise behind the wireless mouse is that it will use less power and therefore require fewer batteries to operate. Heavy duty computer users can usually only go a week or so before having to replace the batteries in their wireless mouse. Batteries do not break down very well in landfills and release pollutants into the ground. I personally do not use a wireless mouse because I cannot afford to spend that much money for batteries. I would think that most users would at least use rechargeable batteries, but those still do not last forever.

You can get all the details (complete with attorney sponsored legal descriptions) and some pics at Macsimum News.



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