Security, Software

Botnets Prefer Windows XP

January 1, 2007

I found an interesting article on SecureWorks site. When SecureWorks finds an infected client, they make a note of the OS the infected client is running. Their site shows a pie-chart revealing the most popular Operating Systems in use in botnets. Here is a breakdown:

  • 47.23% – Windows XP SP2
  • 21.92% – Windows XP SP1
  • 14.98% – Windows XP with no service packs installed
  • 6.35% – Windows 2000 SP4
  • 4.9% – Windows 98
  • 4.62% – Others

Not that I think SecureWorks would intentionally skew the results or do anything dishonest, but keep in mind that SecureWorks is partnered with Apple.

This is interesting because it shows that the majority of the botnet is made up of computers that are fairly up-to-date as far as their OS goes.



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