Google recently released a notice of a severe bug in their Desktop Search Tool, which allows users to search Google from their desktop. The leak is a weak string of code within the program itself that, if altered, would allow a hacker full access to the user’s computer and ultimately the hacker could search the computer for files and personal data.
The popular Google Desktop Search tool is active and used daily by thousands, all of which were at danger for being hacked by any capable hacker through their beloved Google search. This means they could potentially have personal data thrown onto the Internet.
With the Google Desktop Search software, the hacker could redo the code in order to search the user’s computer and the attack would go unknown by both the firewall and any anti-virus software activated.
The data found on the user’s computer could possibly be sold for cheap prices across the black market of the internet which is raving with stolen credit card numbers and identities that get ransacked daily thought the transfer of stolen credit card numbers.
Google has since patched the problem and the threat no longest exists, the users of one of the most downloaded Google features are safe once again. Also, due to Google’s speedy fix of the code they have no reported incidents of the program being exploited.
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