General, SEO/SEM

Google Image Labeler – Compete with Flickr?

September 4, 2006

Google has released a new “game” called Image Labeler.  When you play this game, you and another online participant chosen randomly will view the same set of images for 90 seconds.  During that time, you will provide as many labels as possible for each image.  You earn points when your label matches the label your partner has selected.  You then move on to the next image until the timer runs out.  Then, you get to explore the images you have seen and find out what websites the images are associated with.

As you are aware, it is hard for a search engine to accurately index images.  The SE cannot tell what an image is, for the most part.  Many times, too, descriptions are not accurate (header.jpg, for example).  Yahoo! has recently begun accepting Flickr image results as opposed to its own image results.

Google, however, does not have a Flickr to use.  Enter “Image Labeler”.  If you are interested in helping Google (as if they need free help), check it out.



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