
Most Businesses Not Ready for Vista

January 23, 2007

As you know Microsoft Vista represents a big leap in software technology for PCs. However, it also means businesses may have to spend considerable money on their current computers or purchase new ones.

Vista will not run on just any old PC. In many cases, current computers in operation will need to be upgraded before running the operating system.

microsoft vistaSoftchoice has researched more nearly 500 North American businesses owning 112,000 PCs to see how many were prepared to use Microsoft Vista. The results demonstrate what I think most people were already aware of: Most businesses are not ready to implement Vista.

  • Only 50% of PCs are ready for Windows Vista’s Basic
  • 94% fail to meet the requirements of Windows Vista Premium
  • 41% will need upgrades to RAM and 12% will need CPU replacements for Vista Basic
  • 78% will need RAM upgrades and 16% will need new CPUs to run Vista Premium
  • 27% of businesses plan to wait one or two years before moving to Vista
  • 33% of businesses will wait 6 months to one year to jump on the Vista train



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