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North Carolina Sales Tax Holiday

July 23, 2007

For the sixth year in a row, North Carolina is offering a Sales Tax Holiday. This is designed to help parents and students with purchasing their back-to-school supplies.

This year, the tax free holiday is from Friday August 3 through Sunday August 5. Here is a list of items that back-to-shoolers can purchase without having to pay sales tax:

  • Clothing and footwear $100 or less
  • Sports equipment $50 or less – including life preservers and vests.
  • Computers $3,500 or less
  • Computer equipment $250 or less – including PDAs and printers but NOT phones 🙁
  • Miscellaneous school supplies $100 or less – binders, pencils, reference books

For the official North Carolina Tax Free Holiday list of items, check out the NC Department of Revenue website and get ready to stock up.



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