This is a PayPerPost paid review. These days, there are a lot of people concerned about their privacy, especially with all the information floating around on the Internet.
I am very careful when sending anything via E-mail and if I am really concerned about privacy, I will use PGP to encrypt the e-mail before I send it.
However, there is a new way to encrypt your e-mail messages: SecureZIP – The next generation of ZIP. Their program will integrate easily with Microsoft Outlook®, so you can automatically secure your e-mail and compress any attachments before you hit the “Send” button. After you encrypt the email, that message can only be read by one with the specific permission. After visiting their data security website, you will be up and running in minutes. I went through the process and it was really quick and easy.
Not only can you use this program to encrypt all your emails but you can also do the same with the data on your hard-drives, thumb-drives and laptops. That means SecureZip is really “desktop data security”, not just e-mail security.
So think about all that private data you have stored: the tax records and the medical records, passwords and banking information. What if an unauthorized someone got access to that data as you currently have it stored? Encrypt it – for FREE. That’s right, for a limited time, it is free. Visit their web site and you can be up and running at no cost. Nice.