General, Web

Surf the Internet and Get Paid

November 28, 2006

I was recently introduced to AGLOCO. Basically, you join the network (free to join), surf the Internet (like you are doing right now) with the AGLOCO viewbar running and your AGLOCO account grows. You refer other members and get bonuses. You can even qualify for stock options as the company is eventually going to go public.

The founders originally started AllAdvantage in the late 90s. That company, however, fell prey to the Dot Com bubble burst :(. But, before it crashed, it made about $100 million. These guys are MBAs and so they know what they are doing. According to their website, their vision is:

During the last yen years, the Internet has spawned a new economy: one where users create tremendous economic value but hardly get anything in return. With AGLOCO we want to change that thinking. We hope that all companies that depend on its users will eventually believe in what we do – The Members should share the value they generate for the company.

Sounds good to me. Their plan also sounds good. You can get all the details, but you have to signup first.

Let me say that I was skeptical at first, but it really does sound like a good plan and the signup process is painless, really. You can accumulate hours and money through your Internet activity and also from ones you refer. As we test it out more, we will see if there are any obvious flaws or “shady” practices. If so, believe me, we will certainly alert everyone.

If you want to check it out for yourself, signup and get all the details. Oh, by the way, here is our referrer code: BBBD6138. (I know, I know – shameless!)



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