General, Technology

Choking on the iPhone

July 3, 2007

With Apple’s iPhone advertising running in high gear for months, its no wonder that so many people felt they had to have one. Its estimated that Apple sold about a half million units in just a few days, mostly being gobbled up by Apple faithful and those hoping to resell them quickly on Ebay.

However, I am glad that I was not one of the people that stood in line for upwards of 18 hours to plunk down $600 for my little slice of the latest and greatest. There were several reports of people that did just that and then were unable to use the iPhone because of a glitch with the AT&T service (although AT&T says these problems are resolved now).

Nevertheless, $600 for the iPhone plus $60 a month with AT&T’s spotty service (in my area, anyway) is a bit much for me. I think I will wait for the iPhone version 2 after they have worked out most of the bugs.



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