Farrellsoft has released a great little business software package called businessITonline. It is an online small business software package that runs right through your web browser. The price has been set at $Free.oo USD. For our Eurpoean readers, that amount converts to $Free.oo Euros. Check it out. Here is what you get:
Online calendar:
Whether you just want a convenient online diary to keep track of personal tasks and set appointment reminders or a more advanced collaborative scheduling tool for managing and sharing team resource availability, you’ve found it.
Online Cashflow:
When it comes to finances, knowledge provides control. Everyone should have a convenient mechanism for tracking cash flowing in and out. Business IT Online’s cash flow manager offers you vastly improved financial visibility on a tried and tested software platform.
Online Contacts:
From storing individual or company contacts and communication history, to tracking sales opportunities and viewing the value of your pipeline, ContactsOnline empowers you and your team to stay in touch with the people that matter most to you by sharing accurate information online. Simply upload your contacts from your personal system and start experiencing the benefits today.
Online Documents:
Create, manage, share and store invoices and credit notes as well as your important files and folders in one central system. Business IT Online makes flexible working a reality for you and your designated secondary users by providing anytime, anywhere access. For teamworkers, it’s a dream-come-true.
It has a nice, clean interface and runs behind a secure server. The Documents section currently offers “Invoicing” to UK users only. However, they are working on the US version and it will be released soon. Remember, the basic version is FREE and that is always nice.