Gaming, General

Nintendo Wii Not to Exceed $250

May 25, 2006

We will see about that. However, if it is true, that is half of what a base PS3 will run you. Hmmmm. Very interesting. I don’t know if I like Mario Brothers that much, but still, half price is nice.  Read more about it with this post from totalvideogames:

Following the release of its financial results, Nintendo has confirmed that the Wii console won’t be priced higher than $250 (£134) in North America, and although a similar ceiling for Europe hasn’t announced the company has stated that will be similiarly affordable.

In the statement, the company also confirmed earlier reports that it expects up to 6 million Wii units to be sold between its fourth quarter 2006 launch date and the end of March 2007, with around 17 million copies of Wii games sold in the same period.

Continuing the teasing strategy of old, Nintendo concluded the statement by revealing that launch dates, finalised prices, and further details on the Virtual Console, will also be announced shortly.

The price ceiling is $49 less than the Xbox 360 Core System in the US, and a massive $249 cheaper than the basic PlayStation3 model, though these figures could increase by the time the final price is unveiled.

We’ll have more news on Wii shortly…



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