General, Tech Tips, Technology

Put Computer Processing Speed to Good Use

July 7, 2007

Most of the time, computers these days have plenty of spare processing speed just sitting there. Chances are, that is the case with your computer right now. Why not put that processor to good use?

G-man from SEOmoz, who fights Hodgkin’s Disease, has a way that you can do just that and feel good about yourself at the same time. Go to his blog and you will get all the details about how your extra processor speed can be used by World Community Grid in comparing the human genome with the 400 other genomes that have already been sequenced.

This comparison helps researches detect patterns and, according to G-man’s blog:

By doing this, they are able to identify proteins, and other sequences within those genomes that help them target diseases. In some cases it helps them to understand what causes the disease which can lead to finding cures for the disease.

Kudos to Michael Gray for mentioning this too.



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