Sony, needing a hit from Friday’s Playstation 3 release in the US, has also started some pretty nice promotions. For example, Sony is offering some pretty interesting financing options. For example, they are offering:no interest, no payments until 2008 on all purchases of $299.99 or more at the official Sony store. Ends Jan. 4, 2007.That is not bad. It will probably get some additional sales.
They are also offering free ground shipping on everything – everyday – now until the end of the year.That is another interesting deal. Shipping alone on a laptop computer or a big screen tv can be pretty costly.
If you want to check out some more offers, you can shop for special offers at – the Official Sony Online Store!
I am sure that Sony will see a nice jump in sales when the Playstation 3 goes on sale tomorrow. But it is nice to see that they are hanging out some carrots for the rest of us, who may not be in the market for a Playstation 3, like me :).