If you own a Toshiba laptop, your rechargeable battery by Sony could be on the recall list. The CPSC has announced that the batteries have been overheating and causing a fire hazard. Here are the Toshiba laptop models on the latest recall list:
If you own one of these laptops, you can still use it with the power cord after removing the battery. So, at least you are not dead in the water.
Check out the Toshiba laptop battery replacement site for all the details on getting yours replaced for free. Additionally, you can see all the details of the CPSC recall on their web site.
I would think this would be really bad news for Toshiba since laptops are super-hot sellers this time of year when kids are getting ready to go back to school. No doubt this will probably steer some consumers away from Toshiba laptops and maybe even any notebook powered by Sony batteries, which represents a majority of computer vendors.