General, Software, VoIP

Skype and Symantec Partner Up

February 8, 2007

Symantec has announced that they are teaming up with Skype (our favorite VoIP :)) to offer small office and home office users a way to protect their computers. Skype users will be able to click through to a co-branded site that will offer Norton products including Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti-virus 2007.

Skype has done a great job at keeping users of its VoIP service safe and this is another step in the right direction. But, I personally will not jump on the Norton bandwagon. Their program is way too “heavy” (takes up too much system resources) and it gets so intertwined with your Windows registry that it is almost impossible to completely remove it if you decide to use a different program later on down the road.

I will stick with Zone Alarm for my firewall (free) and AVG for my Anti-virus and spyware remover (free) :).

But, it is good of Skype to give its users added protection. Now, we just have to wait to see what the offer will be.



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