
Category: Web Design

Captivating Website Design - Morehead City NC

Web Design

Web Design Basics

Jul 6, 2023

In the world of website design, Morehead City NC businesses benefit from understanding the basics. A well-designed website blends aesthetic appeal wit...

Dynamic Web Design in Morehead City NC

small business, Web Design, Web Design Mistakes

Three Common Web Design Mistakes

Jul 3, 2023

So you are ready to create that web site for your small business.  Great! In addition to design, make sure you spend time working on these 3 aspects....

Uncategorized, Web Design, web design tips, web graphics

Web design basics: Make an impression

Sep 10, 2014

Your web site has only seconds to make an impression on the visitor. Today, people want instant results. Few people even wait to see the entire web de...

Web Design, Web Design Mistakes, web design tips

Common Web Design Mistakes

Dec 16, 2007

The web is full of examples of poor design. There are even some popular, high traffic web sites that, in my opinion, have some design flaws that could...

Web Design

Manipulate Google Results

Dec 1, 2007

Every SEO out there would love to be able to control Google’s SERPs. Can you imagine being able to move your site above your competitors or even...

General, Web Design

New Project Completed

Sep 26, 2007

We are proud to announce that we have put the finishing touches on the new web site for the Carteret County Chamber of Commerce. This was one of the l...

Web Design

Web Design Articles

Aug 21, 2007

We have compiled a list of our web design articles and posted them on the corporate web site. If you are in the market for a web site, you might benef...

Web Design

The Best Free Web Development Software

Aug 19, 2007

Everyone loves FREE. So, here is a list of some of the best free software we have found with regards to web design and development. We personally use ...

General, Web Design

South Carolina License Plates Feature Web Site

Aug 15, 2007

After 10 years of the “Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places” slogan, South Carolina is changing up their license plate design. I know, I know. ...

Web Design

Web Development Quick Reference Guides

Jul 28, 2007

Cameron Chapman over at Mashable has compiled a flaming-hot list of web development resources. The very first one on his list is the one that I keyed ...

SEO/SEM, Web Design

Professional Web Design

Apr 15, 2007

In the past, a business could get by without a web site. Then, only the large businesses invested the time and money in creating a web presence. Now, ...

Latest CCT News..., Web Design

New Corporate Web Site Launch

Apr 11, 2007

Finally, after weeks of work and tweaking, we have released our new corporate web site! It was a complete redesign from the ground up and, while we ar...


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