
Category: Tech Tips

Security, Tech Tips, Technology

Report Spam!

Mar 9, 2007

Are you receiving many junk e-mails in your inbox? I receive up to 10 spam messages daily! Now Google’s anti-spam engineer Brad Taylor, urges al...

Software, Tech Tips, Technology

Reasons Why You Should Not Upgrade to Vista

Mar 4, 2007

With so much hype about Vista, from its official launching to its Mac OSX-like GUI, you should be asking yourself these questions: Why should I upgrad...

Software, Tech Tips, Technology

Is Your Software Vista Compatible?

Feb 26, 2007

As a rule, most people love having the latest and greatest things.  With all the hoopla surrounding Windows Vista when it was released, many people q...

Security, Tech Tips

Internet Security – What is Phishing?

Feb 13, 2007

This is part two of my multi-part series Internet Security – Your Computer and You. Here, I am touching on the subject of phishing. Phishing pro...

Security, Tech Tips, Web

Internet Security – Your Computer and You [I]

Feb 6, 2007

I am beginning on a multi-part series on Internet Security which concerns you, your computer and your data. It will be a weekly edition as I begin to ...

General, Security, Tech Tips, Technology

Recycle Your Old Electronics

Jan 22, 2007

How many old computer monitors do you have? What about old PCs, the ones that are way to slow to be of any use, but still have some data that you don&...

Security, Tech Tips

Phisher Faces More Than 100 Years in Jail

Jan 18, 2007

Under the CAN-SPAM act, a California jury has convicted Jeffrey Brett Good&...

Tech Tips, Technology, Toolbox - Internet, VoIP

Use Skype and Get Paid

Dec 21, 2006

Bitwine has partnered up with Skype (free VoIP service through the end of this year – $14.95 per year thereafter) to offer the BitWine Taskbar S...

Are You Kiddin' Me?, General, Security, Tech Tips

MySpace and Registered Sex Offenders

Dec 9, 2006

Well…I guess it is a start. The Government wants registered sex offenders to submit an active e-mail address when they register. If they submit ...

Security, Software, Tech Tips

Microsoft Prepares for Patch Tuesday

Dec 8, 2006

Microsoft is preparing for its monthly patch release next Tuesday (12/12). The last official patch release for 2006 apparently will be smaller than th...

Security, Tech Tips

eEye Creates Zero-Day Tracker

Dec 6, 2006

I have pondered this for the past several minutes and I cannot come up with a good reason why someone did not create something like this before now. e...

Security, Tech Tips

New Microsoft Word Vulnerability

Dec 6, 2006

A previously unknown hole in Microsoft Word is being exploited by those whacky hackers. Apparently, they have nothi...


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